APRIL 6, 2020
Members on Call
Edward Hardison
Janet Clayton
Jerome McKinstry
Vice‐President Edward Hardison called meeting to order at 11:06 AM.
Prayer by: Edward Hardison
New Business
Ratification of board vote by phone poll on March 19, 2020 to close business office. Ms. Clayton made motion to ratify the phone vote conducted by President Marvin Fletcher on March 19, 2020 to close the business office and send the clerk, Carol Scott home with a majority vote, Mr. McKinstry seconded and all approved.
Resolution 2020 – 01 To Extend the first rebilling due date from April 15, 2020 Ms. Clayton made motion to change the first rebilling due date from April 15, 2020 to April 30, 2020 and the second rebilling to May 1, 2020 due by June 10, 2020, Mr. McKinstry seconded and all approved.
Resolution 2020‐01
It is hereby resolved by the trustees of the Forestdale Fire District, that due to the COVID‐19 pandemic the due date of the 1st rebilling be moved from April 15, 2020 to April 30, 2020. Be it also resolved that the date of the 2nd rebilling be moved from April 16, 2020 to May 1, 2020 and the deadline for payment for the 2nd rebilling move from May 31, 2020 to June 10, 2020.
Discussion took place on the Fire Chief’s authority to make operational decisions with the Controller’s input as they affect the business office. Mr. Hardison suggested that one board member also be included in operational decisions. Ms. Clayton made a motion that “The fire chief has the authority to make operational decisions, with the input of the Controller and one board member as they effect the business office, i.e. temporary labor, deposits, payments of bills, employee leave and payroll. Mr. McKinstry seconded and all approved.
Ms. Clayton made motion to hire Karen Taylor as contract labor to post payments and create deposits at a rate of $20.00/hour while the clerk is on a leave of absence, Mr. McKinstry seconded and all approved.
No other business adjourned at 11.58 AM.